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What is ROSE?

ROSE = Reduced-Order Scattering Emulator

rose is a Python package, available on GitHub that enables aspiring graduate students and long-suffering postdocs to emulate nuclear scattering observables with optical potentials, trading negligible amounts of accuracy for orders-of-magnitude gains in speed.

Specifically, rose supports user-defined, local, complex potentials. The Koning-Delaroche potential, albeit in simplified form1, is hard-coded into rose as KoningDelaroche.

Life is full of choices, and many of those choices deal with how you're going to spend your time. Do you really want to spend years of your life, and possibly the lives of your successors, waiting for some computer to finish calculating a cross section? No, you don't. What if you could obtain those results in minutes at the cost of a few significant digits that you weren't going to look at anyway? What if you had a plot to help you make these difficult decisions? Like this one:

CAT Plot

If only the rest of life was so accommodating.

For more details about rose, see our organic, artisanal, free-range documentation. Or start with the tutorials.

  1. Take Eq. 2 and ignore the energy dependence of the coefficients.