BAND Retreat in 2022

The 2022 retreat will be held at the Ohio University Dublin Integrated Education Center in Dublin, Ohio on July 21 and 22.

Directions and local information

A map and driving directions to the Dublin Integrated Education Center are here.

You can find information on the meeting hotel, the Hilton Garden Inn, Dublin here. The hotel address is 500 Metro Place North, Dublin, OH.


All times are EDT.

Thursday, July 21

9:00 Welcome and Intro

  • Phillips (10 minutes)

9:10-10:50 Student talks, 15 + 5 each

  • Chan [pdf]
  • Semposki [pdf]
  • Son [pptx]
  • Yanotty [pdf] (remote)
  • Liyanage [pptx] (remote)

10:50-11:20 Coffee break

  • 11:20-11:50 Bub, BAND Fellow project [pdf] (20 + 10)
  • 11:50-12:10 Giuliani/Phillips, JAM session update, social-hour participation, meeting frequency, etc. [pptx]
  • 12:10-12:30 Plans for next BAND camp

12:30-1:45 Lunch

1:45-2:30 v0.2 and beyond

  • Phillips [pdf] (remote, 15 + 30)

2:30-3:50 Brainstorming tools for v0.3 (25 + 15 each)

  • 2:30-3:10 Giuliani: Reduced-basis methods + [pptx]
  • 3:10-3:50 Surer: Active learning for the calibration of computer models [pdf] (remote)

3:50-4:20 Coffee break

4:20-5:40 More v0.3 tools brainstorming

  • 4:20-5:00 Pratola, Model-mixing software [pdf] (remote)
  • 5:00-5:40 Maiti, Variational Bayesian inference [pdf]


Somewhere in Dublin (Witek & Daniel suggest Cafe Istanbul)

Friday, July 22

9:00-10:40 Brainstorming analyses for Year 3

  • 9:00-9:30 Furnstahl, Mixing EFTs [pdf] (15 + 15)
  • 9:30-10:10 Nunes, Building a better optical model with BAND [pdf] (25 + 15)
  • 10:10-10:40 Godbey, BMEX [pdf] (15 + 15)

10:40-11:10 Coffee

11:10-12:40 More brainstorming analyses

  • 11:10-11:40 Heinz, Model mixing for heavy ions: VAH vs VH [pptx] (remote, 15 + 15)
  • 11:40-12:10 Odell, Emulating the R-matrix [pdf] (15 + 15)
  • 12:10-12:40 Godbey, BAND & Quantum Computing [pdf] (15 + 15)

12:40-1:30 Outstanding issues & closeout; Long Range Plan

  • 12:40-1:20 Phillips [pdf]
  • 1:20-1:30 Nazarewicz [pdf]

1:30-2:30 Lunch & departure