Linear Bivariate BMM with SAMBA toy models : cdf mixing

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This notebook shows how to use the Bayesian model mixing package Taweret for a toy problem.

Author : Dan Liyanage

Date : 11/10/2022

More about SAMBA toy models can be found in Uncertainties here, there, and everywhere: interpolating between small- and large-g expansions using Bayesian Model Mixing

import sys
import os

# You will have to change the following imports depending on where you have
# the packages installed

cwd = os.getcwd()

# Get the first part of this path and append to the sys.path
tw_path = cwd.split("Taweret/")[0] + "Taweret"
samba_path = tw_path + "/subpackages/SAMBA"

# For plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# To define priors. (uncoment if not using default priors)
# ! pip install bilby   # uncomment this line if bilby is not already installed
import bilby

# For other operations
import numpy as np

1. Get toy models and the pseudo-experimental data

# Toy models from SAMBA
from Taweret.models import samba_models as toy_models

m1 = toy_models.Loworder(2, 'uninformative')
m2 = toy_models.Highorder(2, 'uninformative')
truth = toy_models.TrueModel()
exp = toy_models.Data()
g = np.linspace(0.1, 0.6, 10)
plot_g = np.linspace(0.01,1,100)
m1_prediction = m1.evaluate(plot_g)
m2_prediction = m2.evaluate(plot_g)
true_output = truth.evaluate(plot_g)
exp_data= exp.evaluate(g,error = 0.01)
fig, ax_f = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
ax_f.plot(plot_g, m1_prediction[0].flatten(), label='low order')
ax_f.plot(plot_g, m2_prediction[0].flatten(), label='high order')
ax_f.plot(plot_g, true_output[0], label='truth')
ax_f.scatter(g,exp_data[0], marker='x', label='experimental data')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fd184a865d0>

2. Choose a Mixing method

# Mixing method
from Taweret.mix.bivariate_linear import BivariateLinear as BL

models= {'low_order':m1,'high_order':m2}
mix_model = BL(models_dic=models, method='cdf')
cdf mixing function has 2                   free parameter(s)
Warning : Default prior is set to {'cdf_0': Uniform(minimum=0, maximum=1, name='cdf_0', latex_label='cdf_0', unit=None, boundary=None), 'cdf_1': Uniform(minimum=0, maximum=1, name='cdf_1', latex_label='cdf_1', unit=None, boundary=None)}
To change the prior use `set_prior` method
#uncoment to change the prior from the default
priors = bilby.core.prior.PriorDict()
priors['cdf_0'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(-20,20, name="cdf_0")
priors['cdf_1'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(-20,20, name="cdf_1")
{'cdf_0': Uniform(minimum=-20, maximum=20, name='cdf_0', latex_label='cdf_0', unit=None, boundary=None),
 'cdf_1': Uniform(minimum=-20, maximum=20, name='cdf_1', latex_label='cdf_1', unit=None, boundary=None)}

3. Train to find posterior

{'cdf_0': Uniform(minimum=-20, maximum=20, name='cdf_0', latex_label='cdf_0', unit=None, boundary=None),
 'cdf_1': Uniform(minimum=-20, maximum=20, name='cdf_1', latex_label='cdf_1', unit=None, boundary=None)}
y_exp = np.array(exp_data[0]).reshape(1,-1)
y_err = np.array(exp_data[1]).reshape(1,-1)
# The parameters are set to minimum values for computational ease.
# You should increase the ntemps, nwalkers and nsamples and see
# if your results are changing. If so keep increasing them
# until convergence of results.

kwargs_for_sampler = {'sampler': 'ptemcee',
                    'ntemps': 5,
                    'nwalkers': 50,
                    'Tmax': 100,
                    'burn_in_fixed_discard': 50,
                    'nsamples': 2000,
                    'threads': 6,
                    'printdt': 60}

result = mix_model.train(x_exp=g, y_exp=y_exp, y_err=y_err, outdir = 'outdir/samba_bivariate',
label='cdf_mix', kwargs_for_sampler=kwargs_for_sampler)
# Posterior of the mixing parameters.
#corner plots
import corner
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(6,6), dpi=200)
corner.corner(mix_model.posterior,labels=['cdf_0','cdf_1'],quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],fig=fig)

4. Predictions

_,mean_prior,CI_prior, _ = mix_model.prior_predict(plot_g, CI=[5,20,80,95])
_,mean,CI, _ = mix_model.predict(plot_g, CI=[5,20,80,95])
(10000, 2)
using provided samples instead of posterior
per5, per20, per80, per95 = CI
prior5, prior20, prior80, prior95 = CI_prior
# Map value prediction for the step mixing function parameter
map_prediction = mix_model.evaluate(, plot_g)
[ ]:

%matplotlib inline
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
ax.plot(plot_g, mean.flatten(), label='posterior mean')
ax.fill_between(plot_g,per5.flatten(),per95.flatten(),color=sns.color_palette()[4], alpha=0.2, label='90% C.I.')
ax.fill_between(plot_g,per20.flatten(),per80.flatten(), color=sns.color_palette()[4], alpha=0.3, label='60% C.I.')
ax.fill_between(plot_g,prior20.flatten(),prior80.flatten(),color=sns.color_palette()[2], alpha=0.2, label='60% C.I. Prior')
ax.scatter(g,exp_data[0], marker='x', label='experimental data')
ax.plot(plot_g, mean_prior.flatten(), label='prior mean')
ax.plot(plot_g, map_prediction.flatten(), label='MAP prediction')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fd188d33210>
[ ]: