How to update documentation in Taweret website

We use sphinx python documentation generator to generate the webpage for our python package. It uses reStructuredText as the plaintext markup language.

You might find this cheatsheet useful.

You can also refer to sphinx website for more information.


  • Step 1: Fork Taweret repo, clone it, and checkout the develop branch

git clone <your_fork>
git checkout develop
  • Step 2: Create a virtual environment for Taweret and install dependencies

With conda:

conda env create --file=environment.yml
conda activate test_env
conda install pip
pip install -e .

With venv:

python3 -m venv test_env
source test_env/bin/activate
pip install -e .
# You will need to install pandoc using your OS package manager
  • Step 4: Locally generate documentation webpage

cd docs

This will create a webpage locally and open it in your default web browser. You can modify the files inside Taweret/docs/source to make changes to the webpage.

Taweret/docs/source/index.rst determines the overall structure of the webpage. Each file that is referenced in the index.rst can be found in the same folder.

For example, if you want to modify the introduction, change Taweret/docs/source/intro.rst.

After you make changes and locally build the web page, you can push these changes to the original webpage by following the below set of instructions.

git add <file_you_changed_inside_source_directory>
git commit -m <you commit messege>
git push origin develop

Then make a pull request from your forked repository to the bandframework/Taweret repository, develop branch. Note : You do not have to add or commit anything in the Taweret/docs/build folder.