Check out the new tools and examples in BAND Framework v0.4!

See the BAND Manifesto in Journal of Physics G! (or on arXiv)

Nuclear physicists seek an accurate description of the properties of atomic nuclei, collisions between nuclei, and extreme environments such as the first few seconds of our universe or the interior of a neutron star. These situations involve many particles interacting through complex forces. They’re each described by a number of different models: these typically do a good job of explaining the results of experiments that have already occurred. The models don’t do as well predicting what will happen in future experiments or in environments that are inaccessible here on Earth.

The Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear Dynamics (BAND) Framework will use advanced statistical methods to produce forecasts for as-yet-unexplored situations that combine nuclear-physics models in an optimal way. These will be more reliable than the predictions of any individual model. BAND’s forefront computer codes will be widely available and will facilitate the design of nuclear-physics experiments that can deliver the largest gain in understanding. The adoption of BAND’s tools in other sciences dealing with “model uncertainty” could spur broad scientific innovation. Undergraduate and graduate students working on BAND will gain a broad range of technical skills in data science, machine learning, nuclear physics, and high-performance computing.

BAND Code of Conduct

BAND is committed to fostering a safe, diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment that values mutual respect and personal integrity. Therefore, all participants in BAND activities will conduct themselves in a welcoming and professional manner, treating one another respectfully and considerately. This is particularly important in interdisciplinary work that brings together collaborators from different scientific backgrounds and cultures. Creating such a culture–one that is collegial, inclusive, and professional–is the responsibility of all collaboration members and meeting participants.

Those participating in BAND activities shall not discriminate against, harass, or bully others. If you observe inappropriate comments or actions and personal intervention seems appropriate and safe, you are encouraged to intervene in ways that are, insofar as it is possible, considerate of all parties involved. BAND members and meeting participants will not discriminate against, act in an inappropriate way, or make inappropriate statements related to aspects of each other’s identity such as age, race, ethnicity, perceived or actual social class, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, religion, ability status, and educational background. No kind of harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying will be tolerated.

Bullying is unwelcome, aggressive behavior involving the use of influence, threat, intimidation, or coercion to dominate others. Harassment includes but is not limited to: inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted touching or attention, offensive images, photography without permission, and stalking. Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Violations of this code of conduct policy should be reported to meeting organizers and/or the BAND “Community Leaders”: Daniel Phillips (, Dick Furnstahl (, Özge Sürer (, Frederi Viens (, and Stefan Wild ( Sanctions may range from verbal warning, to ejection from the meeting, to a suspension from future BAND activities, to the notification of appropriate local authorities. Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and will result in an escalated sanction.

News ( see all News)

October 2, 2024

v0.4 of the BAND Framework is out! This version includes updates of existing BAND packages such as surmise, ROSE, and Taweret. It also includes new capabilities, such as PUQ, a Python package that employs novel experimental design techniques with intelligent selection criteria, and nsat, code that implements a Bayesian mixture model approach to quantifying the empirical nuclear saturation point.

September 9, 2024

BAND members Pablo Giuliani, Kyle Godbey, and Witek Nazarewicz collaborted with statistician Vojtech Kejzlar to show how "Principal Component Analysis" can be used to ensure that only independent---or even better, orthogonal---models get included in forecasts that combine models using Bayesian methods. Their paper is out today in Physical Review Research.

August 20, 2024

BAND PI Daniel Phillips and co-PI Stefan Wild attended the 2024 NSF CSSI/Cyber Training/SCIPE PI meeting in Charlotte, NC. They presented a poster on the current status of the Framework, and participated in both panel and informal discussions with colleagues.

August 1, 2024

On July 31 and August 1 the collaboration gathered at the Dublin, Ohio campus of Ohio University for the fourth annual BAND Retreat. There were presentations on the work of three BAND-supported graduate students, one BAND Fellow, and a couple of BAND collaborators; discussions on principles for formulating likelihoods and priors; organization for the release of v0.4 and planning for what BAND will accomplish in 2024-25.

June 30, 2024

BAND graduate student John Yannotty defended his Ph.D. in statistics on April 8th, 2024. John graduated from the Ohio State University in May and has joined Battelle as a data scientist, working with the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives defense team.

May 15, 2024

Jared O'Neal has joined BAND as a Research Software Engineer. Jared has more than a decade of experience writing scientific software. We are excited to be benefitting and learning from that.

... see all News